Student Information

About the Program

This unique educational program is designed to fully immerse high school-aged students into the post-secondary learning environment. The institution expects high achievement and realistic planning from all students. It is designed so that students cannot finish the program without completing the coursework of their Educational Development Plan.

Successful students must be willing to take responsibility for their own effort, education and behavior. There are no bells, hall monitors or daily announcements to keep them on track. Students must meet and take responsibility for their own deadlines and requirements. Students are expected to learn how to make smart, sound choices that benefit their learning and success in life. Students are also expected to learn how to monitor their own educational progress, advocate for their own learning needs and successfully negotiate their way through the post-secondary environment.

Life Management Skills or "Soft Skills"

Soft skills are the key to success in both life and college, perhaps even more so than academic skills. The student who applies himself or herself consistently is more likely to complete the program than a brilliant student who does not turn in homework assignments. Soft skills must be consistently demonstrated and be incorporated into the student’s every day decision-making process. Teaching, evaluating and monitoring “Life Management Skills” is the cornerstone of the program’s pedagogy. We do not expect students to walk in the door prepared for the rigors of the program, but we require every student to master these skills prior to transitioning to college-level coursework.

CORE Advisors

CORE Advisors are an essential component of the program. CORE Advisors serve as “educational anchors” to students, as well as the primary point of contact for the parents and college faculty. Each student is assigned a CORE Advisor upon entry into the program and will keep the same CORE Advisor throughout his/her program. Parents and students are expected to attend scheduled meetings with their CORE Advisor.


As a component of the program, college course attendance is reported by the student twice per semester. As each student who is attending college courses has a different schedule, every student must request the signature of his or her college instructors to document attendance in each college-level course. This is a serious responsibility. Students who do not submit their enrollment verification forms and attendance verification forms can be removed from the program. Funding for the program follows the submission of state-mandated attendance reports. These produce the funding to operate the institution and to pay student tuition.