Parent/Guardian Information

Statement of Absolutes

There are six Absolutes at the school. Some of them may cause problems initially for new students. Experience has shown that these absolutes must be honored for the student to succeed in the educational process and program.

As parents/guardians and as students, we realize the importance of parental involvement in the educational process, and we commit ourselves to be involved in our son/daughter’s activities at school.

We know that parents/guardians are responsible for staying informed about the activities, deadlines and requirements of the school.

As parents/guardians, we understand the importance of regular and daily attendance at school. The importance of an excellent attendance record will become evident as our son/daughter moves into a college setting in which classes are held fewer times each week than initial program classes are held.

We understand that moving into a college environment will require additional maturity, self-management skills, and a commitment to reaching well-planned goals.

We understand that the college learning environment requires a commitment to continual improvement and a quest for excellence. We understand that future success will be based on how well a job is done, rather than on meeting minimal requirements.

Progress through most traditional high schools is based on the number of credits gathered over time. Progress through this program will be determined by performance and skill development.